Representing Victims Of Gender Discrimination In The Workplace

While many jobs still trend toward one gender or the other, an employer that prevents anyone from pursuing a career or filling a certain position because of his or her gender is in violation of state and federal laws. If this has happened to you, you should speak with our attorneys about your rights.

Years Of Experience Fighting Against Gender Discrimination At Work

At Kessler Matura P.C. , we have years of experience in representing clients across Long Island, the greater New York City metro area and nationally who suffer from workplace discrimination because of their gender. Whether you were passed over for promotion or are forced to endure repeated sexual harassment, you have rights. We can help you enforce them.

No Employee Should Tolerate Discrimination

Our firm represents clients of both sexes who are dealing with gender discrimination issues. These issues may include:

  • Unequal treatment of men and women regarding salaries, benefits, hiring and promotion
  • Demotion, laying off or firing of women after pregnancy leave, in violation of the Family And Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
  • Retaliation for complaints about gender bias or sexual harassment in the form of demotion, layoff, firing or other adverse actions

No employee should have to tolerate discrimination based on his or her gender. Our attorneys can advocate for you and educate you about your rights and how you can remedy the situation.

Learn How We Can Protect Your Rights

We leverage our decades of experience in employment law to benefit our clients. Let us help you.

Schedule a free consultation with our lawyers to learn how we can assist you. Call us at 631-499-9100 or send us an email.

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